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How to change the wallpaper in Windows 11 without activation?

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How to change the wallpaper in Windows 11 without activation?

Very often, users do not buy a license activation key for their system, but download the distribution kit, install the system and then test it. And only after the testing is over and the user makes sure that the OS suits him, an activation key is purchased and everything is licensed. But it is not uncommon for users to use the "operating system" without activation and they want to add something simple to it, but at the same time new, and they begin to think about how to change the wallpaper in Windows 11, but most often they are faced with what to solve the problem cannot be solved without activation… But this is only at first glance, in fact, everything is more than possible, the main thing is to know how to act in this situation.

How to change the wallpaper in Windows 11 without activation?

Installing your own wallpaper bypassing the personalization of the eleventh generation operating system can be done in several ways:

  • Hover the mouse cursor over the image in the "Explorer" or on the "Desktop" → right-click → select "Make desktop background".

  • Very often the above method is quite enough, but it also happens that it is necessary to use additional methods… One of these methods is: opening the picture using the Photos application → turn to the application menu and see that there is an item "Set as" → set the picture as "Desktop Wallpaper" or as "Lock screen Background".

  • You can also use the "Paint" graphic editor, but only if it has a new version, where there is an option in the main menu "Make desktop background" → choose display styles and you can admire the new background.

  • Very often users approach the question - How to change the wallpaper in Windows 11 without activation? On a larger scale, as they turn to the local group policy editor: hover the mouse cursor over the Start menu → right-click → select "Run" → enter - regedit → press "Enter" → go all the way: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ and in the last folder find a subsection with the name – System (if there is no subsection "System", it will need to be created: right-click on "Policies" → select "Create" → go to "Section" → it remains only to specify the name of the section - Wallpaper) → double-click on the created parameter and specify the path to the image that we want to set as a background image. Please note that the background will change after the operating system is rebooted.

  • If you use Windows 11 in Pro or Enterprise editions, then you can easily launch the local Group Policy editor: simultaneously click on "Win+R" → write the command - gpedit.msc → go to "User Configuration" → then to "Administrative templates" → select "Desktop" → again "Desktop". Now, in the panel on the right, double-click on "Desktop Backgrounds" → select "Enabled" → enter the path to the image → select the "Desktop" fill style. It remains only to reboot the operating system in order for the changes to take effect for sure.

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