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How to reset Windows 11 settings?

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How to reset Windows 11 settings?

It is not uncommon for a user who does not have the proper experience of using a computer to decide to buy Windows 11, after which he begins to use it, and after a short period of time realizes that he is not satisfied with the settings he has installed in the system. And everything would be nothing in this situation, but most often, the same user does not know at all what and where he set up and as a result, he cannot independently return everything to the state that the system had before his intervention. It is for such people that one very interesting option was added to the OS, which allows you to reset Windows 11 settings as quickly as possible.

Resetting the system settings of the eleventh generation begins with the fact that you will not have to go a long way, which will allow you to perform several sequential actions and, as a result, get the result that you need.

Reset Windows 11 using the "Settings" section

  • Use the Start menu or the hotkey combination "Win+I" → you are in the "System" section, open the item called "Recovery" here.

  • Go to "Recovery Options" → "Return the computer to its original state" → it remains to click on "Restart the PC" → wait for the reset process to finish.

Resetting Windows 11 using the "Command Line" section

  • Use the "Win+R" key command → enter the command - systemreset –factoryreset → a window should open in which we select "Save my files", this step will allow the system to return to factory settings – here you need to understand that we are talking only about FILES – they will not be deleted, but programs and the games installed by the user will have to be reinstalled, as the system will erase them. Applications installed by the Windows 11 manufacturer will be automatically reinstalled. If you select "Delete all" rather than "Save my files", then in this case, the deletion will also affect the accounts and they will have to be created again.

  • If you select "Download from the cloud", then in this case, you will need a stable high-speed Internet, since this parameter implies downloading the original Windows 11 system image via the Internet, and after that, it will be possible to reset Windows 11 settings. Here we also note that if you have a system file on your computer's hard disk designed to reset the OS, then you don't need to download anything, since you can do with a "Local reinstall".

  • The next step will be informative for you and will allow the user to get acquainted with what operations the system is going to perform. Please note that if you select "Change settings", then you will have the opportunity to additionally adjust the system reset parameters.

  • It remains to click on "Next" and read again the list of what will be done with the system.

By clicking on the "Reset" button, you should understand that this process can take from several minutes to several hours and it should not be interrupted in any case. In some cases, the process may hang on the same percentage of progress for a long time, and after that, everything will go as it should go. So, be prepared for the above moments…

After the "reset" is over, the system will offer you again: choose a language, choose a time, create a user, and so on.

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