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How to remove an image from the search in Windows 11?

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How to remove an image from the search in Windows 11?

Not many users know how to remove a picture from the search in Windows 11, and all because earlier, they used the search and there were no pictures there, but at some point – after the next update, the pictures appeared. For someone, this appearance turned out to be almost invisible, someone took it for granted, but someone decided that he did not need this addition at all. And here, each of those who are dissatisfied with the appearance of images in the search began to look for their own way to solve this problem… We, on the other hand, know one log of actions, how to return everything to its original state, and we will tell you about all this this hour.

How to remove images from the search in Windows 11?

  • For those who use the eleventh–generation operating system, I would like to explain that here the log of actions is slightly different from what needs to be done in the "top ten", but in general, everything is just as simple and accessible to any user: go to the "Parameters" by simultaneously pressing - Win +I → go in "Privacy and Protection" → open the "Permissions" that relate to the search → go to the very bottom of the page, to the "Other parameters" section → disable "Show the main thing in the search. View content suggestions in the search box and on the search home page."

If everything is done correctly, then in this case, you will be able to notice that it was possible to remove the image from the search quite quickly and now, such an innovation is not convenient for you, it will no longer be how to manifest itself.

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