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How to reduce the Explorer menu in Windows 11?

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How to reduce the Explorer menu in Windows 11?

Many users who started using Win 11 after Win 10 noticed that many things in the updated version of the operating system from Microsoft look more attractive and interesting, but the explorer menu does not fit into the general concept of a minimalistic display of the operating environment of the OS. This is the reason for the question that arises: "How to reduce the Explorer menu in Windows 11?" And it would seem that not every user can answer a not very difficult task independently, but the realities with the options for configuring a new generation system are such that you need to have full-fledged knowledge to make adjustments to the working environment. That is why we provide you with such an extensive instruction with all the settings that follow from it.

Before you start setting up your system, we would like to note that you will not have to use any third-party software, as well as third-party applications, and even you will not have to go to the registry editor, with all its complex settings. We will configure everything using the simplest system settings that any user can handle.

How to reduce the Explorer menu in Windows 11?

There are several ways that can be applied by users. Each method is a separate opportunity and everyone chooses what is more convenient for him in terms of configuring the system.

Method №1-through the"Explorer" menu

Here, you will need to do the following: open the "Explorer" → move the cursor to the top of the menu and click on "Layout and viewing Options" → it remains only to select the "Compact view" item.

Method №2-through the parameters of the "Explorer"

This method is a little longer than the previous one, but it also works on a larger number of devices: open the "Explorer" → click on the " ... "located in the upper right corner → select "Parameters" → go to the "View" tab → check the box next to "Reduce the interval between elements (compact view)" it remains to click on "Apply" → "OK".

Regardless of which of the two methods you choose in order to reduce the Explorer menu in Windows 11, it will look impressive, since when comparing windows at the same time, everything will look identical, except for the distance between the menu items, which will have a tighter fit, which will look much more interesting and practical in visual terms.

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