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Error code d3dx9 43 dll

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Error code d3dx9 43 dll

Today, we will consider error code d3dx9 43 dll, since this problem can occur in almost any user and on any computer. It should also be noted that most often, this problem is faced by those PC users who are actively using their system to run gaming applications in its environment.

The d3dx9 43 dll error problem also lies in the fact that a simple reboot or even a system update will not let you see how the error has disappeared. That is why, with this problem it is necessary to understand locally, rather than wait for favorable conditions in your life, when the error disappears by itself - itself.

To make you understand, we want to clarify that error code d3dx9 43 dll has the extension "DLL", which indicates that dynamic libraries are involved in this problem, which are related to applications. Thus, OS components try to access dynamic libraries, and those in turn do not allow them to receive the proper response. Therefore, we are interested in the following areas where the libraries are located:

  • Windows \ System32 \ - for 32-bit systems
  • Windows \ SysWOW64 \ - for 64-bit systems

As an example, we will perform all of the following settings in the Windows 10 operating system environment, which is completely and completely "clean". In this OS, you will notice that there are no files with the format "d3dx ?? _ ??. Dll" !!!

The absence of the above files is logical, since DirectX, if you did not know, is not part of the pre-installed additions "tens." Thus, here you have to go to the official website of the developers of DirectX and from there, download the eponymous file-package. After downloading the file, you must install it and double-click on the installation file.

Once the installation of all DirectX components is finished, you will notice that the "d3dx ?? _ ??. Dll" format file has appeared in your respective section and as a consequence, you can reboot the system and try to start the gaming application, which until recently did not the error code d3dx9 43 dllwas started and appeared.

We draw your attention to the fact that there are situations in which, even after the above operation, the error still remains in the system and in this case, it is best for you to perform the following in turn:

  • Make sure that the DirectX file you downloaded is from the developer's site. If the file was downloaded from a third-party source, then in this situation, it can contain: a virus, malicious code, ads, etc. We'll have to remove DirectX, scan the system for viruses using NOD32 antivirus and only after that, you can try to install the corresponding DirectX file again.
  • Likewise, it is not uncommon for the DirectX library to be incompatible with the operating system and this causes problems. In that case, it's best to delete the library and experiment with installing different versions. With each removal of the library, it is better to reboot the system.
  • Alternatively, you can manually try to transfer the component to one of the folders "System32" or "SysWOW64". This procedure is done by clicking on "Win + R" and entering the command "regsvr32 {library name}" in the search field. As an example, everything should look something like this: "regsvr32 d3dx9_43.dll)". It remains only to reboot the system and make sure that the error d3dx9 43 dll has disappeared.

We hope this article was useful for you and you can use the information from it to make your computer the most stable among its kind.

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