Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard is designed for a wide scale with an average level of virtualization projects. In its functionality, this revision in no way inferior version of Datacenter, they differ only in the number of virtual machines. WS 2012 R2 Standard requires the use of two VMs, and their number is not limited to the Datacenter edition.
The basis of the concept of WS 2012 R2 is the availability and efficient use of cloud services for storing, handling and protection of corporate information. Opretsionka It provides all the possibilities to create a flexible and user-friendly IT-structure of organizations of small and medium scale.
The list of benefits of WS 2012 R2 Standard is very wide, part of them are:
If you are looking for a reliable system for the operation and expansion of scope of the project, Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard is suitable for a wide range of applications in high performance mode.
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