Here we will explain in detail the key process of buying any other product in our store through the service
Our store accepts Webmoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, mobile operators MTS and Megafon, credit cards Visa & Mastercard, cash through payment terminals, etc.
1. To get started click on the link with the name of the activation code, which is on the main page
2. Next, click on the buy button.
3. Choose the form of payment for the goods. Enter, be sure your e-mail, it will activation code produka. Click to continue.
4. Check that you have sufficient funds in the account, click to pay.
5. Enter your details (login and password) from your wallet, enter the numbers from the picture, click on.
6. Next, press the "confirm payment". Wait a couple of seconds.
7. A page with all the data of payment,
If you do not have an e-wallet to pay for, we advise you to use the system "WebMoney check". With the help of WebMoney check, you will be able to pay for the goods without having the electronic purse with a minimum commission. You will need a mobile phone and the payment terminal receiving webmoney.