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Windows 10 - Acrylic Effects of Fluent Design in VirtualBox

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Windows 10 - Acrylic Effects of Fluent Design in VirtualBox

Windows 10 - the Acrylic Effects of Fluent Design in VirtualBox look very nice, but on condition that the PC user has additional knowledge of the system configuration that allows him to activate manually what most users have is, in some kind of closed settings. Of course, one of you can use Fluent Design in the way in which this package of effects is activated in the "standard" mode, but you will agree that not only did the software developers try to add to their brain five main effects that make it is so desirable and attractive in comparison with the others. Among the things that distinguish "acrylic" effects, it is worth noting: unique light, light depth, animation, the material appearance of graphic elements and the adaptation of graphic elements. All this, in its entirety, allows us to take a completely different look at the usual working space, which until quite recently was completely unattractive and, in fact, "ordinary".

Now, let's look at the "acrylic effects of Fluent Design in VirtualBox" here. The essence of this article boils down to the fact that the majority of users use "VirtualBox" - a tool for virtualizing various systems in a certain "cloud" on a stationary computer. In fact, you can run any OS in Windows environment, by working in it and then leaving it, but for all that, you do not have to install additional software. That's it to make VirtualBox more modern in terms of appearance and the "Neo" project was invented, which was reborn in "Fluent Design" with its own unique color scheme. But only to the greatest regret, there are a number of reasons why users can not see all the beauty of acrylic in Windows 10, as not all of its options are automatically available in the "top ten".

Windows 10 - Acrylic Effects of Fluent Design in VirtualBox

Using the Administrator account, you will have to enter the guest Windows 10, then, using the "Run" window (called by the combination of keys Win + R) and the command "regedit", you get into the "Registry Editor" and already directly in it, go Here's the path: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Dwm".

A new window will be divided into two parts, respectively, on its right side, it will be necessary to create a new parameter of type DWORD (32-bit). The parameter created by you must receive the name "ForceEffectMod", after that, in the field "Value" we write the number "2", and in the field "System of Calculation" we write "Decimal".

If the basic settings described above Windows 10 - the Acrylic Effects of Fluent Design in VirtualBox, you can safely proceed to reboot the "virtual machine". After the reboot, you can check how successfully the "virtual machine" was configured and see how well the additional visual effects were applied, since we had to work with you with the registry tweaker, and he, in some cases, did not functions correctly. But, no matter how it was, and worse from the performed actions, not your system, not a virtual machine, there will not be!

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