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Windows 10 - Windows Defender scan archive files

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Windows 10 - Windows Defender scan archive files

Surely, you do not just think about the fact that your computer is safe, as it protects at least Windows Defender, which is "as if" all must be scanned and not to miss not a "muck" in the OS. That's just there are situations when even the antivirus software must be configured, because quite important option is not included in it, which allows you to make so that the Windows Defender scan the archive files. It is clear that such inclusion will complicate the work of your OS in terms of checking archives for viruses, but you must admit that the wait for a few seconds until the end of archive scanning is much easier than because "treat" or the attempt to recover the deleted virus from her files.

Method number 1

In this process, we will use the PowerShell console, which you will have to open an administrator and register in it the following command: Set-MpPreference -DisableArchiveScanning 0

If, however, you will not need the ability to scan files, then make all the above operation again, only this time, register is not "0" and "1".

Method number 2

Using the command «regedit» make opening the Registry Editor, and then, go to the left side of the window in the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows Defender \ Scan.

It happens that subsection «Scan» no, then simply create it by hand. As a consequence, in the generated section, just create a 32-bit DWORD value and give it the name «DisableArchiveScanning». The value of the newly created parameter is necessary to create equal to "0".

If you need to be, so that Windows Defender does not crawl backup files, then simply change the value from "0" to "1".

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