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Windows 10 - to rename the Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi

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Windows 10 - to rename the Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi

If the first network connection your computer will automatically set up the Internet connection, and asked him a name that you do not like it, we offer to find out as much as possible in the Windows 10 to rename the Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi in such a way that it had a name that really you like.

To begin with let us explain that if you need to know the name of your Internet connection, then it is necessary to try to connect, or go to the section "Control Center Network and Sharing Center." In addition, it is possible to find the icon "Connection", which is in the Windows toolbar and clicking on it, you can see the name of your network. Also, if you go to the section "Network and Internet" such universal application, as "parameters."

All the above methods are good, that allow you to quickly find out the network name, but there is not one of these methods, the possibility to rename the network itself, and therefore propose to use tvki Windows 10 registry.

To start, you need to take advantage of "the regedit" command, which allows you to open the "Registry Editor", and after that, it will be possible to pass on the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / NetworkList / Profiles

Here you will see that each network profile in the registry OS looks like a separate subsection GUID with a 32-digit name located between the braces. Thus, the more you will be registered on the PC connections, the more you have in the «Profiles» section will be created different «GUID» subsections.

In order to find the network that you need, you need to open one by one all the subsections «GUID», where you will have the opportunity to review the «ProfileName» string value. Just so, and you will be able to find the required «ProfileName» with a specific network name.

Now, click 2 times on the parameter «ProfileName» and set him in the name of the newly opened window, and then, make a closure of the Registry Editor.

All! You managed to Windows 10 to rename the Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi and specify the network name that you would like to see. The only one to see the new name everywhere, you must restart the operating system.

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