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Windows 10 - automatically save screenshots in OneDrive

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Windows 10 - automatically save screenshots in OneDrive

Windows 10 - automatically saving screenshots in OneDrive is a very useful option that allows you to save screenshots in the cloud and do not worry about that you accidentally forgot something, save somewhere, or just simply not Have time to do this due to the fact that there are too many screenshots. In fact, this option is very useful and many users who use actively social networks or work a lot and their work is somehow connected with the use of screenshots, will certainly appreciate this saving process and taking advantage of it only once, no longer will it be refused.

The practicality of this method is that the function of saving screenshots in the cloud OneDrive can be turned on without using any registry tweaks and third-party programs, which in itself is very convenient.

On the "Desktop", right-click on the "OneDrive" icon, which is located in the system tray -> in the opened menu, select the "Options" item.

In the newly opened window, you need to go to the tab named "Autosave" -> check the box "Automatically save screen shots in OneDrive".

Now, when you use the "hot keys" ("PrintScreen", "Alt + PrintScreen" and "Ctrl + PrintScreen") in order to take screenshots of the "Desktop" or other area of the monitor screen, all screenshots will be saved by default To the local folder of the cloud storage "OneDrive".

The only thing that should be remembered is that in Windows 10 - automatic saving of screenshots in OneDrive when using all of the above will not apply to the use of "hot keys" "Win + PrintScreen", because with their The screenshots will still be saved to the default directory: C: \ Users \ UserName \ Pictures \ Screenshots.

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