It would seem a very simple addition to the “Taskbar”, which is visualized as seconds in Windows 10 hours, but is actually very useful, because with it, a huge number of users have the ability to opt out third-party software and as a result, unload the OS from additional software processes. Thus, we offer everyone to perform this system setting, especially as of today, it has a minimum number of actions and any of you can handle it.
In general, in order to add seconds to the clock on the “Taskbar”, there are several ways, but we will tell you today about one thing and it seems to us that it is the easiest, since it can be performed depending on the selected action log, from 30 seconds, up to 2-3 minutes. So, be prepared for the fact that soon, the visual appearance of the clock in your Win 10 will be completely different.
Very simple log action
In this case, we do not offer you to create something yourself and do some additional actions in the OS settings that you may find obscure or even complex, because here you will have the opportunity to use the prepared “template” and with it modernize the clock in a few mouse clicks.
Start by downloading the archive with the already prepared file from our server → the archive will need to be unzipped → the finished file, launched by double-clicking the LMB → the confirmation is performed to perform this action using the “Yes” button → wait for the OS to be corrected and it will reboot (if the OS does not restart itself, then do it yourself) → check the result of your work.
More complex log action
In this case, you are responsible for preparing the final file, so be prepared for the fact that there will be much more mouse clicks and other actions on your part than in the case described above.
In order to add seconds in the Windows 10 clock you have to create a document using the Notepad application (it is on every computer running Windows), you create a notepad by clicking the RMB in the empty area “Worker’s table ”and using the context menu, where initially, hover the mouse over“ Create ”, and then select the“ Text Document ”item, which can be found in the additional menu → having done everything correctly, you will see that you have created the so-called“ Text document "/" Notepad ", it needs to be opened be and copy the following code into it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced]
"ShowSecondsInSystemClock" = dword: 00000001
Now, everything is ready for you to use right in the open Notepad, the “File” and “Save As” buttons, which will give you the opportunity to move to a new window.
The new window allows you to use the Filename field, but there is one trick here, which is that you can specify any file name, but you must add “.reg” to it, which will allow you to create a unique document that can influence on the OS settings.
Everything, the final version of the file is ready and now, using a double click on the LMB on it, you can launch it → confirm your consent to this action using the “Yes” button → wait for changes in the system → reboot → enjoy the work done.
What way to choose the OS to choose, it is worth deciding for you, we for our part want to note that the difference between these methods lies in the fact that in the first case, you have to perform less actions than in the second and the difference will be really noticeable.