The topic, which is directly related to running software with administrator rights in the Windows 10 operating system, was considered on many Internet resources directly related to PCs more than once and thus, it became possible to analyze the most relevant methods of interaction with OS settings and from the whole variety, choose exactly what you really will be useful and convenient to use. So, I immediately want to warn everyone who assumes that: "This article will be difficult to learn..." Everything will be as simple as possible and most importantly, you don’t need to learn third-party software or anything else, since you and I will be simple - system settings and nothing more. The only thing that we will touch upon is a more in-depth study of some points, but it will also be very simple and will not cause difficulty in mastering.
The first setting option
Here, everything will look very simple, since this method is designed for those of you who run software with administrator rights every few months or even less. Thus, in this case, we will show how the software launch log is executed, which must be repeated each time in the same order.
It doesn’t matter where the Application Label is located, you just hover your mouse over it and make just one click of it with the right button, which brings up the context menu and already in it, you first find the “Run as Administrator” option, and then hover it mouse cursor and perform another click, but only now, its left button.
As you might have guessed, this method is entirely “manual”, which means that every time you have to activate it exactly this way and not otherwise.
The second setting option
This method is no more difficult than the previous one and it has a longer number of actions on your part, although the final result you get will already be “automatic”, which will allow you to run the software with administrator rights just a couple of clicks every time.
Again, it does not matter where exactly the Label of the application being launched is located, since you hover the mouse cursor over it and right-click it, see what the context menu has opened, find the “Properties” item in it and only after that, perform a single click on it left mouse button.
A new window with the name "Properties..." will allow you to use the settings of the application and as a result, you switch to the tab called "Shortcut", after which, go to the new window with the settings using the "Advanced" button.
In the "Advanced Properties" window, you need to turn to the "Run as administrator" item, since next to it, there is an option to put a check mark, after which, you will need to use the "Ok" button twice.
The third setting option
This method allows you to do the same as the previous software launch with Administrator rights in Windows 10, but only this time, the pattern of your actions will be slightly different, but this will not change the meaning.
Refer to the Application Label, which can be located in any section of the system and hover the mouse over it, then right-click it and, accordingly, you can use the context menu on the "Properties" tab.
Now, in the "Properties..." window, you should be interested in the "Compatibility" tab, on which you need to hover the mouse and click with the left button. It remains only to put a tick in the new tab of the window where the point “Run this program as administrator” takes place and after that, use the “Ok” button a couple of times.
It seems to us that in this way, launching software with Administrator rights can be performed by any of you, since the method is really simple and does not require a huge amount of effort to implement it, so act and everything will certainly work out for you.