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Router Error 633 in Windows 10

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Router Error 633 in Windows 10

In fact, the error of the 633 router in Windows 10 appears quite often, and if this error occurs, you should not worry about it.

First, you need to find out exactly what error 633 is and what was the reason for its occurrence. If you manage to do this, it will be much easier to find a way to solve the problem and allow you to continue using the Internet the same way as before.

Why does the Internet connection error 633 appear in Windows 10?

  • If you belong to those users who have the opportunity to use more than one remote access connection, then sooner or later, 633 error will appear also for you. The problem here is that any of the programs you installed, by default you need to connect to the Internet connection and everything would not be anything, but there was a failure. During a crash, the program remains in the modem, and therefore, it repeatedly tries to reconnect to the Internet and you will see error 633.
  • If you use a program manager or a program that has the ability to auto-dial, this can also be the cause of an error in your router. Here the reason for the error is most often due to the fact that the programs you use work by default, and therefore constantly re-connect and re-use the Internet connection.
  • Also, if you tried to use a dial-up connection from the "Network Connections" folder and this attempt was not successful, then the used port is busy. In this case, when the connection is first unsuccessful, error 633 is not visible visually, and with the second and subsequent connections, the error is already visible on the monitor screen visually.

How to remove error 633 from the modem?

  • When using a USB modem to access the Internet, it is possible to try to reconnect the device to another USB connector. This method allows the USB modem to automatically reinstall in your Windows 10 OS, which means that your device will receive a brand-new COM port that does not have the errors that were in the system before.
  • Try at least for a while, abandon programs that work in automatic mode and constantly produce independent access to the Internet connection.
  • If your modem has such an option in the settings, then change the connection type by moving the tick from the "RAS" connection type to the "NDIS" connection type.
  • Router 633 error in Windows 10 is also deleted by such log of user actions: restart the OS -> during boot, press the keyboard several times on F8 -> select the boot option "Safe Mode" -> as Only you will log in to Win 10 as a user, then go to "Control Panel" -> go to "Add or Remove Programs" / "Programs and Features" -> remove all drivers that somehow are responsible for the operability of the router you are using . Immediately, we note that it is necessary to remove the driver programs that work with the router by default. If you do not want to delete the driver, since you still need the software, you should just disable the autoloading of these programs so that they do not work without your knowledge. After removing the drivers and disabling the startup programs, restart the OS and enter it in the normal mode, we recommend installing the recently removed drivers for the modem.
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