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Resetting the cache of "live" tiles in Windows 10

4298 просмотров
Resetting the cache of "live" tiles in Windows 10

Many of you probably use the so-called "live" tiles, which are convenient enough to configure and constantly show up-to-date information, provided that you do not open an application. That's just where there are situations when these tiles hang and the image on them remains so to say "forever", and consequently, the user pc sees not the latest news, but the outdated information. For this reason, we suggest that you learn what "resets the cache of" live "tiles in Windows 10, which allows you to normalize and make the performance of" live "tiles the same as before, When they are hanging from you.

And so, in fact, we will have to clear the cache of tiles in Windows 10, and therefore, you need to use the command "regedit", open the "Registry Editor", which will give you the opportunity to use the tweak registry. In the "Registry Editor", you will have to go to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ ImmersiveShell \ StateStore

Note that as soon as you get to the last subsection, in the right column, you should find a DWORD parameter named "ResetCacheCount". If you look at the value of this parameter, you can see how many times the cache of all the live tiles in Windows 10 has been reset. As it is not strange, but more often, the value of the above parameter equals "1".

Now, in order to reset the live tiles cache in Windows 10, you need to create a new 32-bit DWORD parameter, which should be named "ResetCache". The created parameter must be set to "1" and only after that, you will need to restart the "Explorer".

After the operation you performed, the cache of "live" tiles will be reset and you will notice that the digital value opposite the "ResetCacheCount" will be increased by one, and the digital value opposite the parameter "ResetCache" will be reset to the opposite.

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