No matter what it is you are doing on your computer, you may need time to open a sufficiently large number of similar objects. It would seem that this is difficult, but practice shows that do something similar in "ten" is not easy, since it has its limitations, which do not allow you to open more than 15 flat files. That is why, we suggest that you simply just remove restrictions simultaneous opening of 15 or more files in Windows 10.
If you are a long time using Windows operating systems, then you should be aware that such restrictions have long been inherent in different operating systems and this is done specifically in order to prevent excessive burden on a running operating system, which is of such a large number of open files, may hang. Moreover, the likelihood of hang the operating system is great, provided that folder or tethers will have quite a lot of weight and load the processor to complete.
In order to remove restrictions simultaneous opening of 15 or more files in Windows 10 you need with the help of "the regedit" command to make the opening of "Registry Editor" in the left-hand column, expand the following branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer.
Now, in the section called «Explorer», creating an entirely new 32-bit parameter type of a DWORD, which specifies the name of «MultipleInvokePromptMinimum» → manufacture click on the parameter «MultipleInvokePromptMinimum» and in the decimal system, we set the number of files that will be available for Team «MultipleInvokePromptMinimum»: «Open", "Change" and "Print".
In our case, we have set a numeric value equal to "50", which will without any problems, both open 50-specific files or folders that you want us to work.
Please note that the new settings, you must restart the Windows 10 operating system.