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Old Photo Viewer in Windows 10

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Old Photo Viewer in Windows 10

In order for you to use the old photo view in Windows 10, we decided to write a small instruction that will make the system several times more convenient for any user who needs it. Thus, you no longer have to experience some discomfort associated with the program "Photos", but it will be possible, as before, to use the "Photo Viewer". Due to this setup, system capabilities will increase many times and give you more options for interacting with images.

Immediately, I would like to note that we will carry out the configuration process in such a way that it is possible to use the "Default Applications" and the "Open With" dialog, since these are the most optimal program features out of all that can be accessed by anyone user in a couple of clicks.

How to activate the old view photos in Windows 10?

In order to proceed with the settings, use the “Run” window (simultaneously press “Win + R”) → enter the query “regedit” in the empty “Search” area → click “Ok” → after entering the “Registry Editor”, use the following path : “HKLM / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows Photo Viewer / Capabilities / FileAssociations”.

Moving the mouse cursor to the right pane of the working window, click with the right mouse button to go to the context menu → “New” → “String Parameter” → type “.jpeg” in the “Parameter” field → in the “Value” field, speep "PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff".

In order to be able to open in the usual way other image formats that are related to the extension ".jpeg", perform the above operation, but only changing the format associated with the name "Parameter" format: ".jpg", ".gif" , ".png" and etc.

Refer to "Parameters" (at the same time click "Win + R") → open "System" → go to "Default Applications" → move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the window, open "Set default values ...".

In the new window, refer to its left side and click on "Photo Viewer" → move the mouse cursor to the right side of the window and click on "Select default values for the program."

Check the checkboxes for the formats that you want to open by means of a custom program → use the "Save" button.

Hover the mouse over any image and click on it with the RMB to open the context menu in which you need to select "Open with" → in the additional context menu, select "View Windows Photos".

In our opinion, this method of setting up the system is great for making old photo viewing in Windows 10 as practical as possible in minutes and for a long time.

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