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How to reset the counter of screenshots in Win 10?

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How to reset the counter of screenshots in Win 10?

Those users of computers and laptops who very often use the operating system of the tenth generation and make screenshots with it, will be interested to learn about how to reset the screenshot counters in Win 10, as this will not be easy for them Another article with some information for thought (although it is present here) - this will be for them a new experience in setting up their OS with the ability to manipulate the counter of screenshots.

Who needs it, reset the screenshot counters in Win 10?

If you do not need this, then this does not mean that there are no people who will take advantage of this function with great joy, and all from the fact that there are those who, for themselves or for work, make a bunch of screenshots every day. Just at such PC users for a month or even a year, the sequence number of the screenshot can grow from the usual unit to hundreds of thousands, which is not very convenient. In addition, there are tasks where it is necessary to take screenshots of the Desktop and each time to assign them names beginning with "1" and if such screenshots are for example 100, then it is very difficult to do, especially if you rename screenshots still, and then more And so on ad infinitum. It is in such situations, it's best to use the reset of the screenshot counter in Win 10, since everything is configured very quickly and does not require you to have absolutely no additional knowledge other than what you already have.

The process of resetting screenshots in Win 10?

In order to reset the screenshot counters in Win 10, it's better to log in with Administrator rights and only after that, go to "Taskbar", then open "Search", then go to "Registry Editor" Which looks like "regedit.exe".

If you can get to the last window, then you can go through this path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer and in the last subkey, you should find the standard DWORD parameter (the name of the parameter you need is " ScreenshotIndex »).

If you find the DWORD parameter named "ScreenshotIndex", then you need to replace the existing numerical value with a number one or with any other number you want to start the numbering of your screenshots. As soon as you figure out the numbers and make their replacement, then click on "Save".

Thanks to this method, you can get almost limitless possibilities of manipulating the numbering of screenshots, because at any time, when you need it, you have the option to reset the screenshot counter in Win 10 to zero, or to the numerical value that you want to see.

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