If you want to know about, how to remove a disk partition in Windows 7 "Reserved system», which is constantly seen visually in the operating system Windows Explorer or used your file manager, then you get it back to where you all tell in great detail.
The problem of this situation lies in the fact that the inscription "Reserved system" should not be you seen, because it is as if the system partition, and therefore, it does not like should not be used by, and if the hard disk partition is visible, then it can be do almost anything.
In general, the main reasons for the visual display of the reserved hard disk partition system is that many users are beginning to experiment while you reinstall the operating system, Windows 7, or try somehow to a new split your hard disk partitions. In addition, the appearance of this error could provide the use of unlicensed distribution, and therefore, you should think about in order to use only licensed products on Windows operating systems. But in any case, if you saw the inscription as in the screenshot below, it is time to take action!
If you still do not understand what a "system reserved" partition, we explain... It's a hard drive partition, which belongs to the technical section of the system where the actual Windows 7 and makes all sorts of processes and even store boot parameters. Typically, these drives have a size of not less than 100 MB. and no more than 500 MB.
Also, you should also know that the nature of the system partition is created automatically by the operating system, so you do not then do not need to create your own!
If you do decide on what to remove the "Reserved system» partition in Windows 7, you must use the internal system search, or simply use the service «Run» (Win + R), where the search box should be enter the command «diskmgmt.msc».
Now, before you "Disk Management" window → will be open once we click on the "System Reserved" → produce a context menu → click on "Change Drive Letter." Just follow all the same way as in the screenshot:
Remove the "letter":
Affirmative action to remove:
That's all! You managed to remove the partition in Windows 7 "System Reserved» and now, the system partition is larger than you to visually not visible, in fact, he had to be present in your Windows 7 operating system.