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How to include a dark theme in the edge?

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How to include a dark theme in the edge?

How to turn on the dark theme in the Edge? This question asks a huge number of users around the world who work every day on computers and laptops where an innovative browser is installed, which has only one color scheme for and it has nothing to do with black color, since it is “light”. All this has repeatedly pushed users to experiment and try to add unique elements to their browser in their own way, or to expand its capabilities using third-party software. However, no matter how simple or complex the above mentioned methods are, they are still not practical, since in this case there is not and in the near future there will not be anything better than the “standard” capabilities of the browser that are in it did and appeared thanks to developers from Microsoft.

Immediately, we note that if you think that this article is about how to get into the browser settings and just move just one switch opposite a certain option, then we dare to upset you ... This time, everything will be a little more complicated than usual!

How to include a dark theme in the edge?

At the very beginning, you should understand that not only browser settings will be performed, but the full inclusion of tracking a dark theme that relates to embedded software options. Thus, the access you need, you can get by clicking on the following link: “edge: // flags /” → here you will find a small “drop-down menu” in which you must click on the “Microsoft Edge Theme” (# edge-follow- os-theme) → use the “Enabled” item → you just have to reboot the software and maybe enjoy your creation.

Alternatively, each user can use the transition through the “Tool for Developers” window by clicking on the “Developer Tools Microsoft Edge themes” (the path in the browser looks like this: “edge: // flags / # edge-devtools-themes”). The advantage of using this particular component of the program lies in the fact that it allows you to work with options that are responsible for manually switching between dark and light themes. Ideally, your actions should look like this: click on “Settings” / “Settings” → “Preferences Appearance” / “Appearance Settings” → “Theme” / “Themes”.

As a result, you can easily turn on the dark theme in the Edge and at the same time, you do not need to perform any actions to use third-party software or questionable scripts, since everything at the moment has some simple settings , but it is quite affordable for any user who expresses the desire to transform their favorite browser.

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