Not often, but still some of you, periodically have the question: "How to enable mono sound in Windows 10?" And it would seem there is nothing difficult in this issue and every more or less self-respecting PC user, should be able to do it, and indeed, if necessary, find the button necessary for activation, but no, everything is absolutely pitiful ... That is why we have another topic to give all our readers additional information for reflection and allow them explore the area of the operating system that for some reason at the moment, it’s hidden and little understood.
Touching on the theme of mono sound activation, you should understand that this function is not designed for everyone who works at computers, as it has a specific look that allows it to be activated only by a narrow circle of people who really need it. Thus, if we talk about: “For whom exactly this function is necessary?” Then, first of all, it is necessary to single out people who have certain problems with sound perception, since this option was created for them in the first place. All the rest, which affects ordinary inhabitants, who for one reason or another do not like to listen to stereo - this is a completely separate topic and in fact, less significant. But no matter how it was there, if you can customize the system, then you should definitely do it and in this way:
The easiest way is to use the Search application, which is located in the Start menu. In the search box, you just have to write some kind of query like this: “Enable or disable mono sound”. As soon as the search result you are looking for appears, then you click on it and by further action from your side, the corresponding switch will be switched to the “On” / “Off” position in the “Sound” section.
In addition, there is another way to get to the desired setting, but here, you will have to follow a completely different way, namely: we start by switching to “Parameters”, then go to “Special features”, go to the “Sound” section, in the right part of the window we find “Enable mono sound” and under this parameter we move the switch to the “On” position.
It does not matter which of the two methods described above you will use in order to turn on mono sound in Windows 10, in any case, activation will be performed automatically after you move the switch to the "On" / "position Off. So, act, because from the "mono" you can always just as easily be abandoned in favor of the "stereo".