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How to disable autorun video in Microsoft Store?

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How to disable autorun video in Microsoft Store?

Surely, you remember the article in which we told you how to turn off the sound on the tabs of the browser Edge, now, we decided to tell you about how to disable autorun video in Microsoft Store. The essence of this situation and everything that follows from it lies in the fact that MS, allows virtually all software developers, in any of its manifestations, to create adverts of their own, which will be gradually imposed on each individual user. There is this process on the one hand is not very intrusive, but gradually, it turns into something that day after day, you begin to catch yourself thinking that once again look at the promo video and it irritates you, or, this promo- movie, starts at the moment when you need to quickly start using the resources of your computer or laptop. What to do and how to behave at the appearance of the above problem, we'll tell you below...

How to disable autorun video in Microsoft Store?

Since the main problem lies in the fact that we are watching advertisements from the Microsoft Store, therefore, we need to perform the following action log, in the settings of the Shop itself: click on the icon "•••" (this icon is called "More"), after which, go to the "Settings" section.

In a new window, you will be presented with a unique "settings panel", where you actually need to find the item "Automatic video playback" and in front of it, move the switch to the "Off" position.

If you did everything right, then you turned out disable the autorun of the video in the Microsoft Store and now, automatic launch of the promo clips will not be made. The only option for watching a promo clip will be that you can click on the "play" icon that looks like "►". After clicking on this icon, temporarily, sanctions on locking in settings will be removed and the video will be launched.

Here's how, you can turn off something that could irritate you very much and make you constantly think about the inability to disable some of the software options that were imposed on you by the Microsoft Store during the forced launch of every single promotional video.

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