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How do I rename the "Libraries" section in Windows 10?

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How do I rename the "Libraries" section in Windows 10?

If you are not satisfied with the possibility of using certain partitions or folders in your system with "standard" names, then in this case, you will be very interested in learning about: "How do I rename the" Libraries "section in Windows 10?" The uniqueness of the method described below is that you will not have to install any third-party software that is capable of performing this action, but for all that, even the" standard "features that we will use to rename the section will look like a bit not efficient. That's why, this method should interest many users who have a desire to get rid of the "Libraries" section in the usual for the most part, but do not know exactly how it can be done.

Let's put all the points on the "I" at once, so that during the reading of the article described below, you did not have any side issues and you all understood... Considering such a "folder" as "Libraries" in your Windows 10, it is necessary to understand that this not an ordinary "folder" in the usual sense for most of you, but something more - a whole section that was able to combine the collections of "Labels", which are collected in a single place, but leading the user when clicking on each of them, in a separate subsection system. So, before you is not a "folder", but something more, although it does not forbid you to use this "partition" and as a regular folder.

How do I rename the "Libraries" section in Windows 10?

To start, you need to run the "Run" window (press Win + R at the same time), after that, in the search field of the "Run" window, enter the command "regedit" and press the "OK" button.

Everything, you have got to the window "Registry Editor", which initially looks "serene".

Now, in the "Registry Editor" window, you must go from the section to the section that are in the form of folders in the right part of the window, go through the following path: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID \ {031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131- E946B44C8DD5}".

As soon as you get to the identifier of the virtual partition "{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}" / "Libraries", which is created in order to control the visual display of this section in "Windows Explorer", right there, click on empty the area in the right part of the "Registry Editor" window and in the context menu, select "New", and then, "String parameter".

We draw your attention to the fact that the created parameter should be called "LocalizedString". In addition, as soon as this parameter is created, immediately double-click it to open a small window with settings, where there will be a field "Value", which is responsible for visual display of the folder name "Libraries ". In our case, we will give a new name to the section of the next type - "File House", after which, click on the "Ok" button.

In fact, you've already managed to rename the "Libraries" section in Windows 10, but before the final result is displayed, perform a reboot of the OS. After the next system boot, you can see what happened in the end.

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