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How do I enable "Shutdown Event Tracking" in Windows 10?

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How do I enable "Shutdown Event Tracking" in Windows 10?

In the operating system Windows 10 there is a fairly large number of innovative tools that have the ability to give not only the average PC user a certain set of features when dealing with this software, but also allowing to work with this operating system more advanced users who have to identify all third-party errors , which can occur in the system in certain situations. It is for this reason that we would like to tell you today about what is the inclusion of tracking completion events in Windows 10 and what exactly this function is needed for.

As you probably already know, the shutdown of the operating system Windows 10 is most often made by the user using the "Start" menu, which allows you to quickly shutdown your computer without any additional action. Of course, using the Start menu is a very practical way of shutting down your computer, but there are situations when you just need to shut down your system with the confirmation from the Administrator, who tracks the progress of all processes in the OS. In addition, there are also situations in which the same Administrator needs to keep the operating system as long as possible for a long time without rebooting in order to make sure that it does not have the ability to reboot on its own or if there are any failures that are their own and lead to the same, unauthorized system reboot. That's why, the developers dozens and took care of that in their offspring to introduce a unique tool, which has the name "Trackdown Event Tracker". Thanks to this tool, any user can access a special section of the system where the event log is present and already there, it will be possible to familiarize with a specific error.

Method 1

In order to activate the Trackdown Event Tracker, you can use the local group policy editor or the registry editor. In this case, it does not matter which way you use it, it's more important that you are more comfortable and practical.

Initially, you need to launch the policy editor using the "gpedit.msc" command, and after that, you have the option to go to the following path: "Computer Configuration" → "Administrative Templates" → "System". Now, you need to scroll down to the bottom, where you will be able to find the setting in the right column with the following name: "Display the shutdown event logging tool".

Click here on the above setting, check the "Enabled" checkbox.

Note that you need to select the "Always" option or leave it by default, "The shutdown event logging tool should be displayed".

Once you have done the above procedure, the next time you shut down or restart the PC with the Windows 10 operating system using the Start menu, you will notice a small window where you will be asked to choose the reason for turning off the computer.

Please note that if you use the dialog box that is called with Alt + F4, you will also notice some changes, because an additional item appears in this dialog box.

After the changes are made to the system, any unauthorized shutdown of the computer will start with a small window on the desktop where the system will ask you to choose one of the most probable reasons for the OS shutdown. Immediately, you can add a small comment if there are any reasons for that.

In addition, you need to be aware that when you enable tracking of shutdown events in Windows 10 when you change your account, you will not need additional confirmation from you. In addition, if you shutdown or reboot the system using the "shutdown" command with the "/ s" or "/ r" options used, no additional confirmation will be required from you.

Method 2

As for the inclusion of the above parameter with the registry, you will have to go through the following branch: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ Reliability" (note that the last subdirectory may not be your system, and therefore, it will have to be created independently in the "Reliability" section of the 2 DWORD-parameter).

Note also that the parameters with the names "ShutdownReasonOn" and "ShutdownReasonUI" will need to be set to a value of "1".

All changes you make will take effect in Win 10 only after you have rebooted the operating system. If, for some reason, the above described function does not require you, in that case, you will need to change the numerical value from "1" to "0".

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