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Hide the icon "Mixed Reality" in Windows 10

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Hide the icon "Mixed Reality" in Windows 10

As we think, today we will share with you very useful information, but everything from the fact that we ourselves hide the "Mixed Reality" icon in Windows 10, which we do not use, like many of you. Therefore, you will be interested to know how you can do the same procedure yourself, without someone's help.

In order to take advantage of the necessary settings, you will have to access a function called "Windows Holographic", and for this, you must: go to "Options", click on the icon that has the name "Mixed reality" and choose that You want to do with the "Mixed reality" icon, because you can hide it, but you can make it visible.

Now, you need the "Registry Editor", which you can call using all the known command "regedit". Once in the "Registry Editor", you need to go through this file system path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Holographic.

In the right part of the window, you should see a 32-bit DWORD parameter named "FirstRunSucceeded". There are such situations that the parameter "FirstRunSucceeded" is not present, then just create it manually and give it a numerical value equal to "0" or "1".

  • 0 - will hide the shortcut.
  • 1 - will show the shortcut.

So, it's not at all difficult, we hide the "Mixed Reality" icon in Windows 10, which allows us to minimize the operating system and make it even more attractive and interesting, which, as you understand, is expensive , Since each PC user chooses specific OS settings for himself.

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