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Hide the "All applications" list in the "Start" menu in Windows 10

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Hide the "All applications" list in the "Start" menu in Windows 10

Many of us are interested in: How exactly do we hide the "All applications" list from the Start menu in Windows 10?

This question arises for PC users for a reason, because there are no rare situations when one wants to customize the Windows 10 Creators Update operating system in such a way that everything in it is minimalist and accurate, and it is impossible to do this for one reason or another. That's why we'll tell you this time, about the settings that we make ourselves.

To start, you need to do a small action log: go to the Options panel → open the "Personalization" section → click "Start" → switch the switch to the "Off" position in the "Show application list on the Start menu".

Now, you will notice that, that huge list of applications that you had until recently, was hidden in some submenu. This kind of "hiding" is almost analogous to the "fullscreen" mode or the "tablet" mode. If you just look at the button "All applications", then immediately you will see a numerical value meaning recently installed applications.

Generally hide the list of "All applications" in the Start menu in Windows 10 will be useful for those PC users who have fixed all the programs they use in the "main" menu or used the "Taskbar" for this, But at the same time, not often installing new applications in its operating system.

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