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Failed to upgrade from Windows 10 version 15007 is 0%

5665 просмотров
Failed to upgrade from Windows 10 version 15007 is 0%

In the past few hours, quite a large number of users who choose to install one of the latest versions of the update for "ten", there are the same problems that they do not they can not cope.

That's why we decided to tell you how to be in a situation that you have a error when upgrading from Windows 10 version 15007 is at 0%, even after a long time, not what does not change.

We do not know about you, but to us, this method is quite help and suggest you use it at home, and perhaps you, it will show itself on the positive side.

1. You need to download the word document (download you'll archive, which will then need to unzip it).

2. Once you unzip the file, you'll see a notebook, then click on "File" -> "Save As ..." -> in the "File name" list the .bat instead of .txt.

In total, you should have having a "default name" file «File.bat» or the file has a different name but with the extension .bat unvarying.

3. Now, you need to make an opening created with the extension .bat file: click on the .bat file PCM -> in the context menu select the item "Run as administrator" -> wait for a while until the script is completed.

4. Eventually, the Update Windows should inform you that an error has occurred and the latest updates are not possible to install and that's only after this, you will need to click on the "Retry" button, then error when upgrading from Windows 10 version 15007 stands at 0% more than you will not be disturbed, because she would disappear completely, and you downloadable update will now be fully downloaded and installed.

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