Today, we will tell you what to do in the Windows 10 operating system, when the Etoken password is constantly requested by its request in a pop-up window, where there is an additional information about an existing error in the form of a request: “Enter the master password for access to eToken".
Such an error is not critical in most cases, since many users simply need to enter a password request and after that, the window requesting it will disappear. But everything can be aggravated if the system requests a password all the time. Thus, it is not possible to fully work, because every few minutes, and even more often, you will see a request to enter a password. Thus, constantly, you will have to do what you don’t need to do in such numbers ... That is why we recommend fixing your problem once and for all by not complicated actions in setting up the browser.
How to disable password request Etoken?
In order to make the necessary settings, you need a Mozilla Firefox browser (if you don’t have one, then download and install this software from the official website of the developers). Launch the browser and field it, you can click on the buttons: "Tools" and "Settings."
You should get to the browser window called “Settings”, where you need to click on the item from the column on the right - “Privacy and Protection”. In the right part of the window, custom settings have been updated, and now, you should scroll right down to the bottom, where the Certificates subsection and the Protection Devices... button will appear.
In the new window, called “Device Management”, again refer to the left column with the name “Modules and Protection Devices” find “Etoken”, click on it, then the “Unload” button appears on the right side of the window, so same need to click. It remains to press the “OK” button in order to confirm the removal of the module and after that, once again, press the “OK” button once.
Now, to make sure that: “Etoken password is required or is it no longer required?” You need to close Mozilla Firefox browser, which will allow you to restart the software and you can launch it again to check the correctness action.