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Error 80072efe in Windows 7

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Error 80072efe in Windows 7

Error 80072efe in Windows 7 initially appeared only at those moments when the user tried to update the system, but years have passed and this error has evolved a little and now it can manifest itself even when the system is not updated. It is for this reason that users most often see notifications of the following nature:


Regardless of the message that you saw when the problem occurred, we will act with you in stages, which will allow you to check all the causes of the software failure in turn and, with a high degree of probability, solve it once and for all.

  • Suppose you decide to update the system because some very important update has come out and you see that an error message appears. In such a situation, do not panic and wait a little, there may be an Internet connection failure on your side or on the Microsoft side. Here, you can be advised to restart the router and also, it is worth restarting the computer;
  • Also, it is worth disabling a third-party antivirus if you have one installed. It is necessary to disable not only the antivirus, but also the firewall, and even the firewall, after which it is worth trying to download the update again;
  • Perhaps the cause of your problems is viral activity, which means that you need to use several third–party antiviruses in order to perform a "full" and comprehensive scan of the device;
  • If you have third–party software installed - separate or embedded in the browser in the form of a VPN or Proxy, then you need to disable or even remove these add-ons;

Whatever it was, but you should pay attention to the fact that the problem most likely arises due to the fact that the Internet connection is interrupted, and for no reason such a problem cannot arise. As a result, it needs to be searched for and solved so that in the future, even more similar failures do not appear;

  • Also, you can try to press "Win+R" at the same time → prescribe the services.msc command → find "Cryptography Services" and click on it twice → in the newly opened window click on "Stop" → go to "This computer" → follow the path C:\Windows\System32 \ → find the Catroot2 folder and execute it deletion. Please note that initially, we stopped the service with you and then deleted the folder, now we have to turn on the service: find "Cryptography Services" and click on it twice → in the newly opened window, click on "Turn on" → try to download the update you need.

If you pay due attention to your problem, error 80072efe in Windows 7 will disappear and will not bother you anymore, but here you need to understand that everything will have to be done in stages.

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