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Error 15031 in Windows 10

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Error 15031 in Windows 10

Many PC users like that using Windows 10 Créators Updates, they have the ability to use a completely new feature that allows using mobile devices and Bluetooth to interact with a computer with a smartphone. Everything would be different, but here's the new function, after the latest updates, it works just disgusting and now, when trying to turn on "Dynamic Lock", nothing happens. Thus, the error 15031 in Windows 10 is already in the first couple of uses of what is very convenient, started to push it away... But it should not be so, and therefore you just need to simply take and replace the file Library called "DeviceFlows.DataModel.dll" from assembly 15031 to the same file, but only from assembly 15025.

As you understand, in order to get the above file, you have a couple of options:

1. Download the ISO image of Windows 10 and from there independently extract the file.

2. Download the already extracted file from our server.

When choosing the first method, you need: not only to download the ISO-image of the operating system, but also to mount it later, and afterwards, go to the "source" folder, and from it, using any archiver the "7-Zip" Open the file "install.wim". Just in the final file, you will be able to find the above library.

As soon as you have the file ready, you need to go through the following path in your OS: C: \ Windows \ System32, find the "DeviceFlows.DataModel.dll" library and rename it to "DeviceFlows.DataModel.dll.bak" . Now, it remains to simply copy the existing library to your "System32" folder.

Note that the owner of the library is TrustedInstaller, and therefore you will need to replace it with a normal user before manipulating the folder.

Alternatively, you can use the "TakeOwnershipEx" utility, which immediately after its launch and clicking on the "Get access rights" button, will allow you to make all necessary replacements.

Immediately, you need to specify a full path to the library.

That's how it will look if the rights are obtained.

Thus, it remains only to rename the file as indicated above and move the fully working file from the previous assembly or the downloaded archive from our server to the "System32" folder.

In order for the error 15031 in Windows 10 to disappear completely, you simply have to simply reboot the operating system, and after downloading it, the Bluetooth module will re-start at 100%.

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