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Error 0x8024200d in Windows 10

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Error 0x8024200d in Windows 10

Most users of the Windows 10 operating system have long switched to using licensed software, as it is available in terms of price and is many times more functional than its "pirated" counterparts. That is why users using the official versions of the systems strive to constantly update them, because they know that updating is an integral part of the high-quality and stable functioning of the system. During the update processes, the system in 99% does not give any failures, but it also happens that there is a software error 0x8024200d in Windows 10. Such a problem can lead the user into a certain perplexity, which means that it is time to analyze this situation.

Causes of error 0x8024200d

In fact, this error is quite "tricky", since most of it manifests itself not just at the moment when the user starts installing updates, but after the process is fully started. That is why, most often, the user sees an unpleasant program failure and a system notification with an error code. There may be several main reasons for the problem:

  • Failure on the Microsoft server side;
  • The device's hard drive has stopped functioning properly:
  • The Windows 10 file system has failed on the computer;
  • The presence of viruses in the depths of the file system of the device being used.

And so, the main directions for detecting malicious threats have already been identified, which means that it is time to start eliminating them one by one. In what order exactly you will look for a solution to your problem does not matter, but we recommend that you follow the action log described below.

Temporary failure of Microsoft servers

Here you need to understand that in this situation you will not be able to do anything, which means that you just need to wait. Usually, the problem is solved within a few days, so try to update the OS 1-2 times a day (morning and evening), if within 7-10 days the problem does not disappear by itself, then it's time to move on to the point described below.

Checking the Windows 10 system for file corruption

Hover the mouse cursor over the "Start" button → right-click to open the "context menu" and select one of two items - "Command line "or" Administrator Command line "→ enter the command in the command line "sfc/scannow" → wait for the scan to finish.

Important! Do not open any programs or folders while the scanning process is running, as this may negatively affect the execution of the above command.

The cause of the problems is viruses or an additional antivirus installed

Let's assume that the above step did not help you in any way and error 0x8024200d in Windows 10 continues to be present, which means that it's time to move on to another way to solve the problem.

Scan your system for viruses. Scanning can be carried out as a standard antivirus, and additionally installed.

Note that in some cases, it helps to remove the additionally installed antivirus. In order to perform this process, you need to: go to the "Control Panel" (Win+R) → enter the command "control" → select "Uninstall programs" → it remains to select an additional installed antivirus and delete it.

Hard drive problem

It also happens that the error 0x8024200d in Windows 10 occurs due to the fact that the HDD or SSD drive used has some problems.

  • The hard drive does not have enough free disk space. In order to make sure of this, you need to go to the file explorer and look at the icon with the hard drive - make sure that it is blue, not red;
  • Also, you should check your hard drive for performance with the help of specialized software to identify "broken sectors".

Additional ways to solve the problem

Also, in more rare cases, additional system settings help, which are as simple as possible to implement without assistance:

  • Disable account control. You can find this setting by using the search;
  • Disable all devices connected to the PC via USB;
  • Disable the "Security Boot" option in the BIOS»;
  • Delete the contents of folders. To do this, click "Win+E" → select the disk on which the OS is installed → open the "Windows" folder → go to "SoftwareDistribution" → find and delete the contents of the "Downloads" and "Data" folders → close all folders and restart the device.

We hope that all the above steps will help you to resolve the error 0x8024200d and your device will finally be able to work fully and smoothly.

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