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Do not turn off the mode in the Windows 10 airplane

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Do not turn off the mode in the Windows 10 airplane

It is not uncommon for a user who uses a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet with the Windows 10 operating system installed in it to activate the "In Airplane" mode, and then, in a situation that can not deactivate it. The user tries and so and so, and in the end, he does not have anything... Ultimately, at best, the device is rebooted (if there is such an option), but sometimes it happens that you have to remove the battery from the gadget or To disconnect the computer by means of holding the "On" / "Off" button. To have this kind of situation, as little as possible, and you knew what to do, provided that you do not turn off the mode in the Windows 10 airplane, we decided to share with you useful information on which, initially reflect, and only then, apply in practice.

What is afraid of the mode on the Windows 10 plane?

  • One of the main problems of this mode is that it, after its activation, does not immediately become active - workable, so activating the mode, you should wait a bit and only then you can try to deactivate the mode In the plane. If you turn on the mode and immediately turn it off, it is likely that it will hang and you will have some problems.
  • It's not strange, but the regime in the plane, very hostile to the situation, when he has to deal with not completely turning off the computer, which is called "Dream." It is in this state that the mode fails, which results in its hanging.

Ways to exit the mode On a Windows 10 airplane?

  • The first and very relevant way to activate the mode In the plane in Windows 10, is all that is described in this article. The uniqueness of this method is that you will manipulate simple operating system settings that are available to everyone and everywhere.
  • The second way, which is no less active in order to withstand the error of the system in which does not turn off mode In the plane of Windows 10, are the following: go to the "Desktop" and click on the shortcut with the image of the computer right click to go to "Properties", where we go to "Device Manager", after which, we find the item "Network Adapters", which is worth exploding, find the device that has an exclamation icon and right click on it to from the context menu, select "Update Driver Software..." (in automatic mode).

Finding and installing new drivers will certainly take some time and sometimes - it can last up to 30-40 minutes, and sometimes, the necessary driver is in a matter of minutes. At the end of the installation, you need to authorize the device to reboot, which will allow the newly installed drivers to start fully functioning.

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