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Disabling full hibernation in Windows 10

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Disabling full hibernation in Windows 10

If you work a lot on the computer, then you certainly should be known that, subject to sending the operating system in hibernation mode, the user's session ends, but even so, the file «Hiberfil.sys» continues to fully function, which leads to the fact that he He begins to occupy the same amount of memory taken from the hard disk, how much RAM your PC has. Thus, it turns out that the so-called "fast start" in one way or another connected with the "hibernation" of the system and, consequently, the first without the second simply can not function.

In spite of what is written above, we have a method that makes disable complete hibernation in Windows 10 does not and no way detrimental to "Quick Start" function, but rather the other way around... In our method is to use a feature that is not entirely disable hibernation, which will file «Hiberfil.sys» work the same way as with a fully functioning hibernation... In addition, the positive aspect of this method is the fact that it will allow you to save a lot of free disk space.

We invite you to start using the "partial hibernation", but this requires an Administrator to make opening a command prompt in Win 10 and register in it the following command: powercfg / h / type reduced

Provided that everything is done correctly, the hibernation file will limit retrieve data from the kernel and the bare minimum of system drivers that are required for the "quick start".

If, however, you will need to restore the hibernation file to its original appearance, then open a command prompt, register it in the command: powercfg / h / type full

It is worth paying attention to one is not a big caveat, which may occur on the condition that you were able to make full off hibernation in Windows 10... Himself "nuance" occurs most often iz-za that you have recently used command «powercfg hibernate size», which has properties to compress the hibernation files ... It is for this, you may receive the error is not critical at a time when you activate the "limited mode". Error notify you - "Invalid parameter".

In order to delete the error occurred simply make unpacking «Hiberfil.sys» file with the command «powercfg / hibernate / size 0". Once you do it, it will be possible to fully enjoy partial hibernation in Win 10.

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