Today, we'll tell you about how to add "View" to the context menu of "Explorer" Windows 10 to make your operating system of the tenth generation even more quality and practical in terms of use. In addition, this method is also great for those users who want to make something out of their system that has the main function buttons and options in the clickability.
In order to make certain adjustments in the operation of the Explorer context menu of the Windows 10 operating system, it is best for you to use the so-called "Registry Editor", which runs fine right from the search bar that is located on the "Taskbar". Running is performed using the command "regedit.exe".
As soon as you enter the editor, you will immediately need to follow the path "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Background \ shell". Now, you and I are interested in the "shell" section, which is ideal for creating a new menu sub-item in it, which we will call "Task View" (in the same way, you can specify any other name that is most important for you optimal).
Now, before you is a new task in which you need to create a subkey, but only this time, we will create a subkey in the previously created section "Task View". The new subsection should be named "Command".
Go to the "Command" section, where you will need to change the values. You select the existing value and change it to: "explorer shell ::: {3080F90E-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}".
Please note that in order to make changes to the parameter in the "Command" section, you need to double click on it with the left mouse button or use its "Context Menu".
If you have a desire to do so that "View tasks" in the context menu of "Explorer" Windows 10 did not look as simple as a string item, but had its own icon, then do the following: first, go in the section titled "View tasks", where you create a string parameter that has the name "Icon" and as a consequence, as its value, you will need to specify the path to one of the icons. Here it is worthwhile to understand that the icons can be as system (in our example, we use: "C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ SHELL32.dll, 326"), and can be downloaded from the Internet, but only on condition that they will be in the format "ICO" or "DLL".
In order to see the final result of your work, you do not have to reboot the operating system Windows 10, as all changes made to it will be active immediately after the system settings are completed. Thus, you can go to the desktop and right-click the free area of the workspace so that the context menu opens and where the new item should be displayed.